
Is Cooking A Good Money Maker In Black Desert?

Cooking is ane of the most AFK & assisting lifeskills in Black Desert Online, and so whether you're looking to advance your Cooking Mastery – or brand a overnice amount of extra silver while you're not grinding for gear – this BDO cooking guide aims to provide you with all the information, buffs & gear you lot will need to brand the almost out of your cooking sessions!

Cooking is divided in 7 Ranks / 130 Levels, like the rest of BDO lifeskills:

  • Beginner Cooking 1-ten (Level 1-x)
  • Apprentice Cooking 1-ten (Level 11-20)
  • Skilled Cooking i-ten (Level 21-thirty)
  • Professional Cooking 1-10 (Level 31-40)
  • Artisan Cooking 1-10 (Level 41-l)
  • Master Cooking 1-thirty (Level 51-80)
  • Guru Cooking ane-fifty (Level 81-130)

If you are a total beginner in Cooking and BDO lifeskills, I suggest you carefuly read through the whole guide. Veterans can skip the first ii parts (overview & how to melt), and jump directly to the juice! 🧃

Tabular array of Contents

  • ane Cooking Overview – Is It Worth It?
  • ii How to Cook with Your Ain Materials
    • 2.ane How to Craft Beer
      • 2.1.1 Getting Your Residence
      • 2.1.two Crafting Your Cooking Utensils
      • 2.1.three Getting the Materials for Beer
  • 3 Cooking Mastery
  • 4 Cooking Gear
    • Cooking Utensils
    • four.2 Cooking Apparel for Faster Leveling
    • 4.three Cooking Clothes for Faster Production
    • iv.4 Manos Accessories for More Cooking XP
  • 5 Cooking Buffs
    • Food Buffs for Cooking
    • 5.2 Elixir Buffs for Cooking
    • five.three P2W Buffs for Cooking
    • v.4 Pet Buffs for Cooking (Heavily P2W)
  • vi Max Cooking XP / Mastery / Cooking Fourth dimension Setup
  • 7 How to Raise Your Contribution Points with Cooking ASAP
    • Lowering Cooking Time to 1 2d
    • seven.two The Cheapest Cooking Recipe You Can Make for CP

Cooking Overview – Is It Worth It?

Cooking is extremely similar with Abracadabra. Both lifeskills office exactly the same manner (with their own gear, buffs and recipes of class).

Choosing in which one to invest, comes down to how much time you are looking to put in optimizing your coin-making. Cooking is "piece of cake", and Abracadabra is "hard", as far every bit recipe complexion and material gathering / grinding are concerned.

If you lot're non a lifeskill guy but still want to tap on the Cooking / Alchemy money, and so definitely go with Cooking. On the other hand, if yous're a lifeskill guy similar me (you are going to do both anyway), then definitely get with Alchemy, as all the complexion it entails, rewards you with much more coin.

A great thing with both lifeskills, is that yous can set your cooking schedule co-ordinate to your own IRL schedule.

You can apply cooking devices (known every bit utensils) that take a long fourth dimension for each arts and crafts, only also have a lot of durability, therefore letting you AFK for even 6 hours. If y'all'd rather do something else AFK (like angling, training, or non having the game open – why yous play BDO once more?), you tin take advantage of the fast utensils, that will permit you practise a 1000 crafts in a few minutes.

Compared to virtually lifeskills, making money by Cooking is quite straightforward, every bit y'all tin can pack a lot of meals into boxes, which you can sell to Imperial Delivery NPCs for a dainty sum of money, or also craft meals that are in high-need from players and sell them on the Central Market – you volition have to expect for the most profitable option based on the recipe.

Keep in listen that both Cooking & Alchemy volition provide you with many dissimilar byproducts with each arts and crafts, which you tin can trade for lifeskill XP, silver, materials, and most importantly Contribution Bespeak XP!

How to Melt with Your Own Materials

If y'all aim to be a proper melt (therefore make proper money), it'southward crucial to invest in your Worker Empire, and fifty-fifty your Farming Skill, and then that you can source all your materials yourself, and non rely on the Central Market for your recipe choices.

Keep in mind this is non always wise though, ultimately y'all volition have to do your own recipe & material inquiry, and figure out what's more profitable for your situation – which materials to cultivate, and which ones to buy direct off the market.

While exploring Cooking Recipes, you will realize that all of their base of operations materials, can exist either gathered by workers from Nodes y'all have invested in, cultivated in your farm or be produced past Cooking itself.

Therefore it'southward paramount to invest in your production chain to suit your Cooking goals, and researching the recipes yourself is unavoidable.

I'k going to show you how to arts and crafts Beer step-past-footstep all the same, in order to introduce you in Cooking's earth, and stock some Stamina replenishment for your Workers. 🍻

How to Arts and crafts Beer

In order to commencement crafting your ain food, you will need a few things:

  • A Residence
  • A Cooking Utensil
  • The Materials

Let's break each 1 down:

Getting Your Residence

This is an easy step, even though a bit disruptive it's the first time you're doing information technology.

It's wise to invest some time and decide which Metropolis you lot'd similar to make your "cooking" city. The more than you cook, the more you will realize how important your node & workers setup is, so y'all are going to need to transport all your materials to your cooking city.

If you are a starter, and so Velia or Heidel are arguably the all-time choices. They are both surrounded past a multitude of productions nodes, and they are always rich with population – then you won't ever feel alone. 😁

My personal option is Grána though. Not only there are some beautiful villas up for rent, merely it's besides a user-friendly location once you overcome the pain of transferring all your cooking / abracadabra materials over there. It's also a wise choice if y'all are planning to invest in your Trading skill in the future, as it's located on the western side of the map.

So in one case you lot accept decided the Urban center you want to carry your cooking activities, simply open the map and click on it, then you are going to exist presented with all the houses that are bachelor for rent:

Choose a Residence that seems convenient, and you lot are ready to get!

Crafting Your Cooking Utensils

You lot can always buy a elementary Cooking Utensil past the Central Market or the Cooking Vendor:

Alternatively, you can also arts and crafts your own! I practise suggest you do so, because you lot volition get more familiar with many more of BDO's mechanics, besides equally future income streams.

The single best place to practice that, is the Glish 3 Tool Workshop, since it's the only Level 4 Tool Workshop in the game! Glish 2 also offers the unique Ceramic Workshop, which tin can be used to create & sell some niche vase furniture. Glish four also offers a wealth of strong high-level workshops, and so definitely invest in Glish three in order to make your own Cooking & Alchemy Utensils – but besides gathering & fishing tools.

If y'all prefer to achieve the fastest cooking time, and so craft Avant-garde Cooking Utensil. Otherwise if y'all are looking to AFK a longer time while cooking, definitely choose Calpheon Traditional Cooking Utensil. Their recipes are quite unproblematic, and you can larn more well-nigh their cloth requirements by clicking their links.

You will need to have all the materials in your Glish storage, and one bachelor worker in Glish, in order to starting time the crafting process.

Getting the Materials for Beer

Beer is truly ane of the simplest recipes you lot can make, and it never stops being helpful since information technology's the most popular food your workers will consume, in order to proceed working.

So starting out, information technology's a wise idea to stock at least fifty,000 Beer, so that you lot can forget about it for some time.

To craft Beer you need:

  • 5 Cereals – this is an Item Group, meaning that a few unlike items can be used for whatsoever recipe that's request for Cereals. These are Barley, Corn, Potato, Sweet Potato & Wheat. I definitely propose you option up a few Potato Product Nodes around Velia, there's Loggia Farm, Bartali Subcontract & Finto Farm. The ii last options likewise offer Eggs & Chicken Meat, which is a must-have for cooks! Wheat nodes are also piece of cake to pick up early on, and if y'all tin spare the Contribution Points, I suggest you do so.
  • 6 Mineral Water – this is a very simple material, which you can only buy from the Cooking Vendor, for a very small-scale price.
  • 1 Sugar – like to Mineral Water, you can only get Sugar by buying it from the Cooking Vendor for a small sum.
  • two Leavening Agent – and once again, the Cooking Vendor!

So at present you run into why making Beer is so simple, 3 out of 4 materials are directly bought from the Cooking Vendor, and you only need to worry about producing the Cereals with your workers.

Yous e'er demand to calculate how many materials yous will need, based on the number of crafts you lot aim to do. For case if yous desire to craft Beer 1,000 times (each time will offer more than ane Beer, and e'er raising with your Cooking Level & Mastery), you will demand five,000 Cereals, six,000 Mineral Water, 1,000 Sugar and 2,000 Leavening Agents.

Y'all volition also soon realize that the more y'all want to arts and crafts at once, the more the full weight y'all can bear will bear on that ability.

And so that's information technology, you lot can now arts and crafts Beer on your ain, and take care of your Workers' stamina!

Brand certain to cheque out our guide for crafting Skillful Feed as well, and so that y'all can go along your pets fed as well!

Cooking Mastery

Lifeskill masteries were introduced in a huge patch in September 2019, and added a lot more depth and strategy to each lifeskill – Cooking is no exception of course!

You can bank check your Cooking Mastery anytime, by pressing P, and then choosing the Life Skill tab.

There are a lot of things affected by your Cooking Mastery:

  • Your take a chance to use Mass Cooking (up to 100%).
  • Your take a chance to craft the maximum number of dishes (upwardly to 61.1%).
  • Your gamble to receive the college-grade version of your crafted dish (upwards to xix.3%) (also as your chance to get the maximum number of them – up to 61.1%).
  • Your Majestic Commitment Profit (upwardly to 144.9%)!

Equally it's apparent, all of the above benefits tin make a huge difference into your profits from Cooking, and so definitely start investing in Cooking Mastery gear equally shortly as you lot surpass Primary ane in Cooking.

Cooking Mastery per Cooking Level
Beginner Cooking
Beginner 1 0 Apprentice 1 55 Skilled i 105 Professional 1 155 Artisan 1 205
Beginner two 10 Apprentice 2 sixty Skilled ii 110 Professional 2 160 Artisan 2 210
Beginner 3 xv Apprentice 3 65 Skilled iii 115 Professional 3 165 Artisan 3 215
Beginner iv 20 Apprentice 4 70 Skilled 4 120 Professional 4 170 Artisan 4 220
Beginner five 25 Apprentice v 75 Skilled 5 125 Professional 5 175 Artisan v 225
Beginner six 30 Apprentice six 80 Skilled 6 130 Professional person vi 180 Artisan 6 230
Beginner vii 35 Amateur 7 85 Skilled 7 135 Professional seven 185 Artisan 7 235
Beginner 8 40 Apprentice 8 90 Skilled 8 140 Professional 8 190 Artisan 8 240
Beginner nine 45 Apprentice ix 95 Skilled ix 145 Professional person 9 195 Artisan nine 245
Beginner 10 50 Apprentice 10 100 Skilled 10 150 Professional 10 200 Artisan 10 250
Master Cooking
Master ane 255 Master 7 285 Primary 13 315 Master xix 345 Primary 25 375
Primary 2 260 Master 8 290 Master 14 320 Principal 20 350 Master 26 380
Primary three 265 Master nine 295 Principal 15 325 Primary 21 355 Chief 27 385
Master iv 270 Principal 10 300 Master sixteen 330 Master 22 360 Master 28 390
Master 5 275 Main 11 305 Primary 17 335 Chief 23 365 Principal 29 395
Chief 6 280 Main 12 310 Main 18 340 Master 24 370 Master 30 400
Guru Cooking
Guru i 405 Guru eleven 455 Guru 21 510 Guru 31 610 Guru 41 710
Guru 2 410 Guru 12 460 Guru 22 520 Guru 32 620 Guru 42 720
Guru iii 415 Guru 13 465 Guru 23 530 Guru 33 630 Guru 43 730
Guru 4 420 Guru 14 470 Guru 24 540 Guru 34 640 Guru 44 740
Guru 5 425 Guru xv 475 Guru 25 550 Guru 35 650 Guru 45 750
Guru half-dozen 430 Guru 16 480 Guru 26 560 Guru 36 660 Guru 46 760
Guru 7 435 Guru 17 485 Guru 27 570 Guru 37 670 Guru 47 770
Guru 8 440 Guru 18 490 Guru 28 580 Guru 38 680 Guru 48 780
Guru 9 445 Guru xix 495 Guru 29 590 Guru 39 690 Guru 49 790
Guru ten 450 Guru 20 500 Guru 30 600 Guru 40 700 Guru 50 800

Cooking Gear

In social club to cook efficiently, y'all need to know all the available Cooking gear, and get your hands at the best versions you can.

Cooking Utensils

This is where you cook everything, then if yous are looking to brand a long-term investment – which you should – and so crafting your own Cooking Utensils is essential. Follow my advice in the second section of the guide in order for the best advice on crafting your own.

These are all the available Cooking Utensils:

Particular Cooking Time Durability Source
Advanced Cooking Utensil -1 sec. 900 Crafting
Intermediate Cooking Utensil 500 Crafting
Cooking Utensil 100 Crafting
Balenos Traditional Cooking Utensil +v sec. 500 Crafting
Serendia Traditional Cooking Utensil +6 sec. ane,250 Crafting
Calpheon Traditional Cooking Utensil +7 sec. two,000 Crafting

Cooking Clothes for Faster Leveling

Getting to Master level in Cooking – let solitary Guru – is not an piece of cake, and definitely not a fast accomplishment.

Y'all will need tons of crafts to get there, and the best assist you can become is using the dedicated Cooking Apparel, which offer you more Cooking XP, also as shorter cooking times!

The all-time selection when starting out, is Argent Embroidered Cook'southward Dress:

Item Movement Speed Cooking XP Cooking Time
Silver Embroidered Cook'southward Dress +1 -1 sec.
Silver Embroidered Cook'southward Clothes +1 +one +10% -2 sec.
Silver Embroidered Melt's Dress +2 +2 +15% -iii sec.
Silvery Embroidered Cook's Dress +3 +two +20% -iv sec.
Silver Embroidered Cook's Wearing apparel +4 +3 +25% -5 sec.
Silver Embroidered Cook'southward Clothes +v +4 +40% -vii sec.

Cooking Clothes for Faster Production

The higher yous abound your Cooking Level, the more than you will also abound your Cooking Mastery, which in plow will make you lot turn to Cooking Mastery dress instead of XP, since they will exist more assisting.

There are many options there, and all of them are quite expensive. So I definitely advise to be aware of them and their departure, just wait until at least Primary 1 Cooking before you invest in any of them:

Level Loggia Cook'southward Clothes Roroju Cook'due south Wearing apparel Manos Cook's Dress
Cooking Mastery
0 +iii +4 +5
+1 +6 +8 +10
+2 +nine +12 +xv
+three +12 +sixteen +20
+4 +15 +20 +25
+5 +xviii +24 +xxx
+half-dozen +21 +28 +35
+7 +24 +32 +40
+8 +27 +36 +45
+nine +30 +forty +50
+x +33 +44 +55
+eleven +39 +l +60
+12 +45 +58 +70
+13 +51 +66 +80
+14 +57 +74 +90
+xv +63 +lxxx +100
PRI +70 +95 +120
DUO +90 +125 +160
TRI +130 +180 +220
TET +200 +250 +300
PEN +280 +330 +400

Manos Accessories for More Cooking XP

Cooking Buffs

Cooking gear is not the but way you can get more out of cooking, since in that location are many buffs that volition greatly help you.

Food Buffs for Cooking

The best food yous can use to boost your Cooking, is Seafood Cron Meal (ten% Life XP & -0.6 sec. Cooking Time for 120 minutes). Information technology is quite expensive to make or buy, only I practice suggest you work towards making your own – that activity lonely will help you discover a lot about Cooking, likewise every bit your node management.

Alternatively, y'all can stack a lifeskill XP buff with a lower cooking time vitrify, only you showtime have to expect xxx minutes earlier y'all can consume the second food item.

For this cheaper option you will use:

  • Sute Tea – +8% Life XP for 90 minutes
  • Teff Sandwich – -0.five sec. Cooking Time for xc minutes

On tiptop of these, brand sure to consume some Savory Steak, which will provide you with +10 Cooking Mastery.

Elixir Buffs for Cooking

The best elixir you lot tin utilise for Cooking XP, is Verdure Draught by far (twenty% Life XP, -1 sec. Cooking Time & 200LT for 15 minutes)! Just information technology is extremely expensive, and different Seafood Cron Meal, totally non worth investing in it.

A great alternative – which is still expensive – is Elixir of Flowing Time (fifteen% Life XP for viii minutes).

I highly propose making these yourself if you lot want to invest in your Alchemy skill too (remember, information technology'southward a much improve money maker than Cooking in the long run – don't skip the word "long" hither).

P2W Buffs for Cooking

Equally you would expect, there are many ways you can Pay to Level your Cooking faster in BDO.

The best investment you tin can make on that aspect, is the Canape outfit. Not only it increases your Cooking XP by 15%, but it also provides you lot with two whole seconds of less Cooking Time! If yous're going the p2w-route, this is definitely the best item value / money yous can go. It costs two,900 pearls, and is bound to the grade yous open it with.

The 2d best investment if you are an active player, is of grade the Value Pack. Information technology offers too many benefits to non use it, along with 10% Life XP, 200LT and extra storage / inventory slots you lot are going to need. It costs 1,500 pearls, and lasts for 30 days. I suggest to never buy Value Packs full price, as they are e'er a role of some improve bargain, and it's too i of the easiest pearl items you tin can get on the Central Marketplace.

Another expensive way to buff your lifeskill XP, but I really not advise it if y'all don't do a lot of gainsay grinding as well. You can get the P2W tent, known as the Naphart Campsite, which volition let you lot remotely buy Villa Curl buffs (well y'all tin get it from the villa itself too, merely that'southward far from convenient).

Last but not least, the most P2W – and naturally the most effective – pearl item, is the Sealed Book of Life. It offers fifty% Life XP, costs i,250 pearls, and lasts for xv days. Then whatever your circumstances, it will cut your Cooking Leveling time in half.

Pet Buffs for Cooking (Heavily P2W)

Pets are an extremely Pay-to-win way to highly raise your Cooking XP – as long as the RNG gods, and your wallet will let you.

So, every Pet has a Talent, which is always the same depending on the pet type. For instance Cats, have a Life XP talent:

  • Tier one – 1% Life XP
  • Tier 2 – 2% Life XP
  • Tier iii – 3% Life XP
  • Tier 4 – four% Life XP

That means that there'due south investing in Life XP pets, will really let you lot do good in all of your lifeskills, therefore it'south the best investment you tin make – if lifeskilling is your primary concern.

Then, the real RNG kicks in. Pet Skills! Your pet can have ane skill at Tiers ane & two, 2 skills at Tier 3, and three skills at Tier 4.

The skills it volition learn are totally random, and changing them means breeding your pet, which costs more than money and RNG.

Anyway, just for the sake of it yous're after the Cooking XP Skill, which will offer you 5% Cooking XP.

And then if nosotros assume you have the "perfect pet setup for Cooking", and accept spent around 1,000$, y'all will end up with:

  • 5 Pets X iv% Life XP = 20% Life XP
  • five Pets X 5% Cooking XP = 25% Cooking XP
  • 45% Additional Cooking XP extra.

Then if you desire to cut your Cooking Leveling fourth dimension in half, prepare to pay a ridiculous corporeality of coin.

Max Cooking XP / Mastery / Cooking Time Setup

These are just some calculations on the max values you can attain for actress Life XP, Cooking Mastery, and Cooking Time.

Please keep in mind that obtaining the gear listed beneath costs around 130,000,000,000 Silver – yeah that's 130 billion! So consult information technology for reference, and don't get your hopes up! 😂

  • Life Skill
    • Cooking Guru 50 – +800 Lifeskill Mastery
  • Gear
    • PEN: Manos Melt'south Clothes – +400 Cooking Mastery
    • PEN: Manos Necklace – +12% Life XP, +150 Lifeskill Mastery
    • 2 ten PEN: Manos Earring – +24% Life XP, +250 Lifeskill Mastery
    • two x PEN: Manos Ring – +24% Life XP, +250 Lifeskill Mastery
    • PEN: Manos Belt – +150 Lifeskill Mastery
  • Buffs
    • Seafood Cron Meal – +10% Life XP, -0.6 sec. Cooking Time
    • Savory Steak – +10 Lifeskill Mastery
    • Verdure Draught – +twenty% Life XP, -1 sec. Cooking Time
  • P2W Buffs
    • Canape Clothes – +15% Life XP, -2 sec. Cooking Time
    • Value Pack – +10% Life XP
    • [Villa] Turning Gates – +10% Life XP
    • Sealed Book of Life – +50% Life XP
    • 5 ten Tier 4 Life XP Pets with Cooking Skill – +45% Life XP
  • Totals
    • +220% Life XP, +two,010 Cooking Mastery, -3.half dozen sec. Cooking Time

If you are looking for the highest Cooking XP vitrify / everyman Cooking Fourth dimension, but swap PEN: Manos Cook's Wearing apparel with +5 Silvery Embroidered Cook's Apparel, so the new totals are:

  • +260% Life XP, +1,610 Cooking Mastery, -10.6 sec. Cooking Time

How to Heighten Your Contribution Points with Cooking ASAP

There are many players that simply want to "max out" their CP with Cooking, and don't care for anything else related to the lifeskill itself or making money with Cooking.

This is understandable, and if you lot want to run across Cooking just as a CP generator, let's practice some math, and see what's the fastest & cheapest way to practise just that.

Getting there fast, means you are going to need a one second Cooking Time, in order to be the most efficient.

Lowering Cooking Time to 1 Second

The default Cooking Time (without any positive or negative modifiers) is 10 seconds, therefore you volition need to subtract that by Xx seconds to achieve 1 second (it tin't get lower).

You will demand:

Of course getting a +4 Silverish Emrboidered Cook's Wearing apparel is far from cheap, and will toll you lot almost i billion!

A seemingly cheaper solution, is to go the +3 Cook's Wearing apparel, and and so utilise a Verdure Draugs every 15 minutes, which can provide yous that additional 1 second off cooking fourth dimension.

Proceed in heed that these Draughts are quite expensive though, so information technology'due south really non worth it. If y'all take no use for the +4 Melt's Clothes afterwards your CP grind, you tin just sell them back!

The Cheapest Cooking Recipe Yous Tin can Brand for CP

So in one case nailing that 1 second Cooking Time, let'due south meet what's the cheapest thing you tin cook for CP, and also an alternative which will also let you end up with some items you tin can actually sell dorsum to someone, and also make some money in the process!

At present virtually plebs out there craft Vinegar or Essence of Liquor in order to farm CP. Don't be well-nigh plebs!

I hateful sure, the materials are piece of cake to acquire, and both recipes are existence used in many higher recipes. Only do you really want to terminate up with 2,000,000 Vinegar in your Storage?

If you lot don't care, simply hoard Cereals & Fruits nodes, and yous're adept to go. Cull Essence of Liquor if you also desire to level your Processing on the mode, or stick to Vinegar if getting the fastest CP is all that matters to you.

If you do want to make some expert money while leveling your Cooking and CP levels, then I highly suggest you study the Cooking Boxes needed for Imperial Delivery. In that location'south a different one for each Cooking Rank (Apprentice, Skilled etc.), and each one can exist fabricated by a wealth of different recipes.

That means that you have many options for how you lot desire to setup your nodes, and which items you lot can craft for each Cooking Rank, in order to maximize your profit while leveling.


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